How Upkey’s VIP helped me continue to grow personally and professionally
Arpita Singh, Malaysia
My name is Arpita Singh. I am originally from India: I was born there, grew up there, it’s my home. So understandably, it felt horrible when I had to leave in 2019, due to my father’s job transfer.
Even though I knew how amazing of a chance this was and what a great window of opportunity the move could bring for me, it was still extremely difficult.
The house where my family and I lived is extremely precious to me so leaving it behind felt like leaving behind a piece of my soul. The next day, we were in Malaysia. I would be lying if I said Malaysia is not a great country even though I still miss home more than anything. The weather, the people, the exposure and most of all, the cultural diversity is what makes Malaysia a great country.
It has given me a lot of things.
Growing through changes
Throughout the past two years, I have grown personally. I feel more confident and self-loving. This country has also given me a hunger to explore everything.
Before Malaysia, I had never traveled, never explored things outside of my comfort zone, and never tried to reach out or expand.
Developing my passions
After moving, however, I have realized how much the world has to offer. Not only the beautiful sceneries and the cultural exposure but also career-wise. I can see what a wide variety of careers one can pursue on an international horizon.
I am pursuing International Communications and Media for my undergraduate degree. Networking, MUNs and interactive projects have also been some of my interests in addition to actively participating in creative and presentative projects. Therefore, this was best course of study for me.
I became interested in media and its working when I established an Instagram page for makeup tutorials in 2020 during the first lockdown in Malaysia.
Last year I began working with brands to help them bring more brand recognition and audience on social media. That’s when I started wondering about all the activities and operations behind a company’s social media presence and marketing.
Although I have ample hobbies like painting, baking, and reading. I was looking for concrete tasks and projects that would help me learn and acquire skills concerning the field I am pursuing.
Continuing my journey with Upkey
I came across Upkey’s Micro Marketing Internship while searching for ways to develop myself professionally.
Upkey helped me not only learn more about the field of marketing but also gave me a chance to interact with professionals and fellow interns from all around the world.
Learning about marketing from successful professionals helped me gain a clearer perspective of the industry. I even learned about things I wasn’t even aware of like the processes of Facebook ads.
I hope to learn more and more every day and create a bountiful journey full of new experiences and new things to learn.
Upkey has been a memorable experience and I am very grateful for it.
An eye-opening experience
One of the most significant things I learned at Upkey were time management and team working. I have always been an independent individual; however, at Upkey I worked with a group for my Content Report project.
This experience taught me how to adjust and manage team environments and produce a quality project in time while helping me make new friends from different parts of the world.
I am quite delighted about how my Upkey journey came about and how the journey for my career has begun.
Upkey is doing a great job helping thousands of students from around the world in giving their careers a platform and learning so much–all through just their screens while sitting at home.
They bring amazing opportunities for students especially in a time where students like myself can get lost due to the pressure and tension of the pandemic.
Along with other fellow interns, I feel very content with the experience gained and the opportunity provided by Upkey.
I would also like to thank Emmanuel Ndifor and other Upkey leaders like Iffat Memon and Afeez who guided us throughout the program.