Finals week is the most stressful time for students, no matter the school year. Whether in college, grad school, or high school, we have you covered with the following tips and tricks for Finals.
Start early
Learn your final exam schedule, the best time to start is yesterday, and the second-best time to start is today. You will always perform better and be more prepared if you start studying early. Use this time to figure out how much you want to learn daily.
Make a study guide

Sometimes teachers provide a study guide; however, making your study guide will help you understand the material better. Outline the vital information first; simply writing it down will make it easier for you to remember and schedule your studies.
Ask questions
Your teachers and professors are there to help you. Ask them questions about the material and the exam to get well prepared when the exam comes around.
Use this time also to review what you have learned with them.
Study in order of importance

Don’t just try to learn everything from the begging all at once. Think about what will be on the test and understand that material first, then move on to what will probably be on the test and, finally, what might be covered. If you run out of time, you will have the essentials covered.
Ask your teachers if they would be willing to share copies of previous tests to see what was most crucial last time.
Make a study group
Anything is more fun when you are doing it with like-minded people. Having to be accountable also helps. Make a plan with your classmates, share notes, review materials, and brainstorm tricky concepts.
We recommend making four groups and making study sessions up to three hours long; shorter sessions get rushed through while longer ones can lose focus quickly.
Prioritize your exams
Some exams will be more difficult than others, and some you will find are easier to study. Evaluate the worth of that grade in comparison to the others. Evaluate all of your exams and study accordingly.
Pace yourself
Stay focused and don’t burn yourself out; an excellent way to do so is to make a pace; in the long term, it’s best to study for short periods. Take a break, rest up and then learn some more.
While it might seem tempting to pull an all-nighter, it’s harmful, and you won’t retain that knowledge.
Make sure to rest well

It’s easier to focus if you are well-rested; check out our guide for relieving stress during study periods, and when you do ace those finals, why not apply for an internship with our Job finder tool