A ‘case of the Mondays’ ‘ isn’t just a phrase to justify being unproductive.
The sluggish feeling–that a hot cup of coffee can’t seem to shake–is the worst way to start the week.
Thankfully, we have advice for coping with these Monday episodes before they take over.
If you think about it, a bad case of the Mondays is a threat to the rest of your week’s productivity. Although the dread that infiltrates society once every seven days is only present for a few hours; it can throw off your schedule or set a relaxed expectation for the rest of your week.
Regardless of whether it stems from a crazy weekend, stress regarding the week ahead, or just an unfortunate coincidence; a case of the Mondays is best managed in the morning (before it gets too bad). In other words, showing up to work in a bad mood can be prevented–we promise.
Continue reading to learn how to best manage your Monday morning alarm:
1. Check the boxes
So it’s Sunday night and you are winding down from an absolute bender of a weekend. Your presentation tomorrow morning is looking more and more undesirable and you are unsure how you’ll get out of bed in the morning. Making yourself a list of tasks to complete in the morning is your best plan of action. Creating a to-do list has been proven to increase one’s productivity. Even just reading over your schedule has been shown to increase motivation.
2. She’s a runner, she’s a track star
Yes, at 7 AM on a Monday the last thing you want to do is a workout. Beyond the physical advantage of a walk or run before work, physical activity on a Monday morning can help clear your mind and take off the stress for the day and week.
3. Join the breakfast club
Personally, I wake up starving. The thought of peanut butter oatmeal with blueberries is enough to get me out of bed even at the earliest of hours. Some students can rise with a nauseous pit in their stomach that makes breakfast seem undesirable. However, prioritizing some sort of fuel to get you through the morning balances your blood sugar while waking up your body and mind.
4. Look good, feel good
Those sweatpants are tempting, aren’t they? Think again. Being tired on a Monday morning paired with comfy clothes is a recipe for disaster in terms of productivity. Try picking out an outfit the night before that will make you feel productive and professional. By getting ready in the morning, you will feel a mild sense of accomplishment that, hopefully, you will maintain for the rest of the day.