What could be the reason to start networking on LinkedIn today? LinkedIn has more than 467 million users and it’s changed the way we network.
If you are still unsure why to join this powerful platform start reading, so you can immediately start building your profile and future career.
The LinkedIn Profile Visit
If you find someone’s comments interesting on someone else’s post, what are you waiting for? Visit their profile and start networking.
Additionally, if you come across content that you resonate with well, appreciate it, drop a like, comment and surely visit their profile.
The Scavenger Hunt

After landing on their profile, take a quick glance at their current role and summary. Trust me, it gives away a lot.
Check if they are active members through “recent activity”. We don’t want to be friends with bots and inactive users.
Look out for the content they put out in the “posts” section. So we know, we’re connecting with the right people.
See if you relate to the content or not. Is it related to your field of interest? Is it what you want to see when you scroll your LinkedIn feed?
Inform what you LIKE

The LinkedIn algorithm needs to be told what we LIKE to see. If I’m adding someone because of their content, I want their posts to be visible to me. So YOU will inform LinkedIn by liking/commenting on their few recent posts.
Don’t forget to connect!
You will send a personalized invite. You will mention how you stumbled upon their profile and what you liked (personalize it) and then hit connect! WOAHala, your first step of networking on LinkedIn has been made!
As mentioned in my previous article, a personalized invite shows intent.
It shows that you want to be connected for a purpose and that you were not lazy to send a follow connection request.
It’s like you are making your case as to WHY they should accept it. – It’s a rule of thumb if you want major influencers following you back.
Eg: Hey, ___ I saw you’re a ___ at ___ I’d love to connect with you and learn more about___
Hi, ___ I loved your post about ___ I resonate with your passion.
Looking forward to connecting and learn more.
Final Tips
Add 20 – 30 people daily. Don’t be in a hurry to max out your connections. Connect with the ones related to your industry or interests only. Everything else is clutter.
Some professionals to add categorically
- HR – from your target companies.
- Entrepreneurs – from your field of study or background.
- Specialists – people with the job title that you dream of.
- Educators – Teachers with skills you want to acquire.

For eg: <Title> <Company Name>
For eg: “Sales coach” “Digital Marketing” “GMAT”
Reacting to posts is never enough. It doesn’t get you visibility on the platform.
You must Comment – “insightfully”. Two words – great share, amazing post, will not take you too far. Always share your input and add value. It stands out. Trust me. It gets you increased profile views and recruiters take note of active profiles.
You too can be an influencer
Consistency is the key! 1 -2 posts every day. 10 – 15 comments every day even if you don’t want to start posting content, keep commenting.
The platform rewards engagement and it hardly takes an hour a day.
I can’t stress enough about how underutilized the platform is. It’s where Instagram was 5 – 6years ago! You can get job offers, generate leads, connect with clients, find a mentor and what not if you simply start networking.
Jagriti Malhotra
LinkedIn is a global pool with an abundance of opportunities. I graduated in May 2019 and get 3 job offers on an average every week.
I know I am making it count. Are you?
Reach out to me at my LinkedIn profile, Jagriti Malhotra for any questions you have! I’ll happily reply.