An elevator pitch is important so that you have a way to grab the attention of professionals, introduce yourself, and show who you are. In just 30 seconds a recruiter will have a basic idea about you and your background.
Sell Yourself
Just like how a business has to sell its product to a consumer, you have to sell yourself to recruiters. An elevator pitch is your hook to grab the attention of recruiters and leave them wanting to know more about you.
Great Conversation Starter
Starting conversations with recruiters is difficult and nerve-racking. You need a plan in order to start conversations with recruiters on a positive note. You will be nervous when first speaking with professionals, so having a polished elevator pitch will ease some of your nerves, and make conversations flow better.
Leave a Good First Impression
Additionally, what you say in the first 30 seconds will have the largest impact on whoever you are talking to. Those 30 seconds are crucial in determining the direction of the conversation. If the recruiter is interested in these first 30 seconds you will have more confidence and the conversation will go much better versus if hadn’t prepared.
Formal Settings
You may be asking, where am I going to ever get the chance to use my elevator pitch? You will find yourself using it whenever you are talking to potential future employers. It may be in a more formal setting for example:
- Career Fairs
- Networking Events
- Interviews- when asked the question, “Tell me about yourself”
Online Settings
You may use your pitch in other, online settings like in your LinkedIn Bio, an email, or a quick message. For example, if you have applied for a job and are reaching out to a Human Resources Representative, a great way to start the email is with your pitch.
Social Settings
Your elevator pitch will come in handy at times you may not even realize. For example, if you are at a social event and being introduced to someone who works for a company that interests you. Although this is an informal setting, you are still networking and want to create a great first impression.
Wondering how to get started? Meet Gina your personalized pitch coach who will guide you through crafting your perfect elevator pitch!