Upkey is wonderful for helping you land the interview. But we want to help you every step of the way on your job hunt!
That’s why Upkey has compiled over 1 million current, certified job and internship listings in 15 different fields for our free Job Portal feature. As always, our goal is to make finding and applying for jobs and internships as easy as possible.

Here’s what you do with the Job Portal:
- Go to upkey.com/jobs.
- Give the tool some basic info on the kind of position you’re looking for.
- Add a keyword indicating the type of career field you’re looking to get into. Or, you can choose one of the suggested keywords below!
- If there’s a location you’d like to work in, add that and choose the suggestion that most closely matches what you want.
- TIP: You can also enter “Remote” into the Location bar if you’re looking for remote jobs.
Upkey has over 1 million job listings in 15 different career fields

- Select the type of work you’re seeking: Full-time, Part-time, Contract, or Internship.
- The more info you can provide, the better your suggestions will be.
- Click “Find Jobs” and start searching
- Each result will include the company name, position title, location, type of work, and the date posted.

6. When you see a job you’re interested in, click on it to see a more detailed description and the application link. Then, get applying! If you don’t have a resume yet, no worries. We’ve got you covered. Click here to learn how to use our free Resume Builder.

If you want to get an extra leg up on the competition, click “Check resume match” in the blue box to the right. Our Job Match tool helps you get a sense of how well your resume fits the job description and suggests ways you can make your resume stand out more among other applicants.
You’ve got this! Happy job hunting.